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MetaReciclagem > LaMiMe
Felipe Fonseca wrote:
We don't have currently a truly autonomous space in São Paulo. All the projects with governments have had to transform into models for public policies, which is great but leaves with few freedom for experimentation. It seems you (the platform) were right about the need to have spaces of our own. On the other hand, Submidialogia #2 has shown me that we were right as well, there is a need for a wide network articulation throughout the country. But let's leave that for later.
The idea is to rent a room or a house, and during the first semester develop a series of actions to make it a reference on subjects such as low-tech experimentation, free culture, tactical media and so on. For that, we want to develop the Ciclo Gambiarra: two artistic residencies during two months (I'm thinking of restricting it, at least in this first edition, to brasilian artists), during which a series of panels will take place on similar subjects, and in the end a general conference on MetaReciclagem. This conference could have international guests, depending on them finding their own resources. If we get enough funding, I believe there would be enough material to come up with a publication focused on issues raised by low-tech labs and so on. Some kind of exchange with peripherical MetaReciclagem labs could also take place during that period.