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BricolabsNet > BricoLabsPrinciples
Questions of identity, centrality? 
investigate loop of open software, content, hardware, spectrum
My thought is that bricolabs as a concept is about opening up 
the possibilities of experimentation - with innovative social and
technology arrangements, with novel relationships between the public
and the private. We do not need to foreclose the choices that
individual labs make by forcing them to adopt apriori licenses and
rules. However, I also think that we need to institutionally recognize
the asymmetries between players in this area (between a public funded
lab in brasil and HP for instance,) and actively work to make sure
resources are evenly distributed.
Services provided by Bricolab central hub: 
centralized fund-raising, providing communication and distribution of
resources between groups, reportage to funders, and, perhaps
eventually, marketing and distribution of bricolabs products
(something like http://www.etsy.com/) if labs want or need such
services. An ultimate goal might be to make Bricolabs self-funding -
sort of like the "social business" concept that Yunus was talking