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BricolabsNet > BricoLabsPrinciples
Questions of identity, centrality? 
investigate loop of open software, content, hardware, spectrum
My thought is that bricolabs as a concept is about opening up 
the possibilities of experimentation - with innovative social and
technology arrangements, with novel relationships between the public
and the private. We do not need to foreclose the choices that
individual labs make by forcing them to adopt apriori licenses and leia mais



Bricolabs is a collaborative exchange between Brazilian, Indonesian, UK, Chinese, Indian and Dutch open source experts, exploring mutual interest in distributed generation of tools, and soft/hardware skills. We focus on knowledge exchange, development of new business models and the building of a critical discourse for the current generations  of young artists, designers and social scientists.
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O conceito de Bricolab vem da ação proposta pelo espaço Estilingue, em Belo Horizonte. Define as metodologias envolvidas no estabelecimento de laboratórios de "baixa tecnologia". Com o tempo, a idéia evoluiu para uma rede internacional de laboratórios de baixa tecnologia, a BricolabsNet.

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