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How Come?

(1/2) How come people give Access Space all these computers?

Surely if they were any good, they'd still have a second-hand value...

I doesn't make sense that people are giving away powerfull tools.

You're right. It doesn't make sense!

Many problems that make an old computer fail or slow down relate to its software and configuration - not to the machine itself.

So a lot of the computers you get are in perfect condition!

How Come?

(2/2) So how about machine that have hardware trouble? Do you give up on them?

Not at all. Often we can fix hardware faults very quickly just by replacing a part with one from another machine.

But surely most people give up on a PC because it won't run lateste programs. So I guess you have to use old software?

Not if we use software that's more efficient.

In fact we use the very latest software! By using Linux instead os Windows we can get a four or five year old machine to run this year's releases.

Wow! So why isn't everyone doing this?

Maybe because many people would rather spend moeny than invest time.
