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BricolabsNet > GID

'''Generic Information Device (GID) page'''
The goal of the GID project is to create an open, reworkable hardware test bed for a generic information device. Using standardized components and open source software, bricolab participants ( and others such as design schools or private companies) can create custom information devices for their own particular contexts and needs. The development and design of the resultant devices will be shared as “how to’s” on a publically accessible internet site, encouraging shared expertise and the development of a generic information infrastructure both within the bricolabs project as well as by external individuals and groups. The GID will thus serve as a “shared object” facilitating cross-bricolab communication as well as the involvement of design schools and private companies.
This page has been set up to share ideas about what a GID might look like, what hardware and software components might be used, where to source necessary materials, and examples of similar projects.
For discussion on hardware, please go here.
For discussion about software, please go here.
For discussion about similar projects, please go here.
We hope that creating a common GID "platform" will encourage the sharing of ideas and results between bricolabs, companies, and individuals, allow a globally distributed effort of "grass-roots" information technology design to flourish, and foster the development of an innovative generic information infrastructure. For discussion about the goals, plans, background, and future of the GID project, please go here.
